Sounds good to me. I am so excited because my daddies are selling the Florida house and we are moving to Maine.
As I get older, the Florida heat gets me down a bit. I love long walks and some days it is just too darn hot. I come home panting like a winning greyhound and my red tongue is almost dragging on the ground.
In Eastport I wrangle many more walks per day and I am almost always included in car trips. The air is crisp and stimulating and there are hundreds of new scents for me to explore. These new odors are not always pleasant, but that is another story for another blog entry. In Eastport I can accompany my daddies downtown and am welcome in many businesses. I especially love the gallery where people of good taste come to browse. These are the people who can appreciate an elegant Dalmation and know how to faun over me properly.
Things areound the house here in Florida are a little strange now. Items are disappearing and a nice lady has been coming to take pictures. The last photo session was a success for me. I was being so cute and adorable that she could not resist photographing me.
One thing has me puzzled though - David keeps mentioning snow and how I will react to it. I am not sure exactly what this snow stuff is, but I am sure I will adjust. I love Maine and can't wait to be Northern-bound again.
The photo here is of me lounging in a motel on my last road trip to Maine. Did I mention that I love traveling and staying in hotels and motels. Hotels are especially nice because I can parade through the lobby and turn all eyes on me. After all, I am a handsome fellow.