Thursday, April 17, 2008

More Extended Canine Family.
This is my friend, Mikey, who live a few doors South of me. His Mommy's name is Lynn and she is a good friend of ours. Mikey goes for a walk everyday and usually passes my house. We usually bark a greeting to each other.
Mikey likes to bark at cars and tries to chase them. Of course, this is not permitted - a safety issue you understand. But - I must admit I had to give it a try myself. First barking at a truck moving too fast up MY STREET. Serves the driver right - he must be cautioned as to the rules of behavior in my territory. Then I made an error - as I barked I tried to run after a car. Whoops - the choke collar is still there although never applied till now. This definitely was not going to be accepted. My staff suddenly became my daddies again and I got the message. I still grumble at cars occasionally and sometimes I give them an angry shout - no more attempting to chase them. The staff is ever on alert.
Regaining Confidence.
Although I am doing so much better due to the excellent care of my staff (my two daddies and my magical Veterinarian, Dr. Teer); There were still some problems with the stairs. In Florida there was no second floor. I became accustomed to stairs on my first summer holiday in Maine. As I got older and my hips got a little stiffer, the stairs become more of a challenge. After I slipped a few times and fell once, my confidence was down and even though Thom or David were always there to steady me, encourage me, and catch me if I slipped there was still a wall of fear between me and those stairs. The bare wood is smooth, my foot pads are smooth, the stairs are steep and narrow. When the weight of my back half comes down, the speed and gravity make my pads slide on the smooth wood - thus the problem.
Daddy David carpeted the stairs for me. Wow! Now I have traction and no fear of the stairs. Although I am still not allowed to conquer them unattended; sometimes I just get too excited and fly up or down before the staff is aware. Freedom, independence, and confidence are mine again.
Oh, I am a happy, loved and pampered Dalmatian - as I should be.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Blossom Again.
You have met my friend, Blossom before. I found some pictures my Daddy took of her and thought I would share them with you.
Now, I realize a lot of us canines have some peculiar and idiosyncratic habits and nuances like rolling in dead fish at the shore chewing up tissues or newspaper just for the fun of it; but I find Blossom's past time a unique one. She eats ants. Her Mom allows it and it has no ill effect on Blossom. It just doesn't seem too appetizing to me, but to each his own. Blossom has several methods to her art that I have observed; perhaps there are more that are secret or personal. My favorite is when she stalks her tiny prey. I am a fan of stalking myself and would dearly to surprise an unaware cat. Blossoms prey may be small, but her eyesight is good and she is a successful huntress. The other method I enjoy is what I call her "lazy princess" mode. She just lolls in the sun on her deck and watches the small critters crawl about - sometimes they even get on her paws. Then, with a sidelong glance and a quick lash of her pink tongue a partial colony becomes an afternoon snack. Could there be a cuter pest controller?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I guess it's time to introduce you to my family and friends of which I have many. We may get to introducing the human element later; right now I am giving my attention to the canine element.
This is Zoe (Princess Zoe to non-family members as she too is of royalty).
Princess Zoe was the proud owner of Thom's cousin Fran. While Zoe was a baby she was wise enough to adopt Fran. She knew life and service would be good in that house although she would have to accept a feline in the mix.
I never actually met Zoe, but I always heard about her. She lived in Arizona when I lived in Florida and we frequently exchanged small appropriate gifts via our staff.
Zoe moved to Ohio and I moved to Maine where we each experienced winter and snow for the first time in our lives. We both liked it. Wish we would have had the chance to romp together.
Zoe crossed the "Rainbow Bridge" a little while ago. She wasn't feeling well and at home all will be well while she waits for me and her Mom. Bye Zoe - Run free!

Last week I heard both my daddies crying. I don't like it when things are sad and I wanted to cheer them up, but I just didn't have the energy. The sad news we received was about my health. Dr. Teer checked my blood and found out I was anemic among other things. My kidneys needed attention by method of medication for my renal blood pressure. Now everybody in the house is on BP meds. We are aging together in a house full of love and we are all trying to do it with a little class.
After a week of new medicine and a new diet I am feeling a lot better and am not so darn sluggish. Just last night I had to shout (bark) at my Daddy Thom for not paying enough attention to me while he was cooking; and I coerced Daddy David into a game of "toss" and "tug" with my new toy I got from my Bangor Doggie-sitter. I must take control again as I am "The Prince."
Let me tell you of my new diet - Dr. Teer insists and I agree. It seems I am to have a lot of shrimp, fish, and lobster - Now, should I complain? Also the staff is required to serve me 3 times a day - small delicate meals, of course. With all this fussing, feeding, medication, exercise and love I am doing just fine.