Yes. life is good. My health is slowly and steadily improving and I am getting my strength and personality back. I have discovered since my crisis that I can manipulate my environment a little easier. Things tend to always go my way unless I overdo it and get a bit too pushy. My diet comes to mind. The Vet stresses my need to eat and gain my normal weight back and my Daddies were instructed to give me "anything" I would eat since eating was the goal. As you can see by the photo I can now demand my own lobster by boycotting a meal or two. My staff knows I will always eat lobster. Since I don't have thumbs, I must still rely on David to remove the meat from that spiny, nasty shell.
Another new freedom enters the picture. I had been accustomed to two or three walks a day to check out the neighborhood, meet people and exercise my sniffer. There are a lot of good scents up here. After my mobility decreased and my energy level dropped the walks also decreased as I just had no endurance or sense of distance. The door to the deck is always open now and I spend much time in my outdoor living room. I have strengthened and every once in a while I realize I do have the energy for a walk. So - I just go. I don't bother with the leash or alerting anyone; I just go down the deck steps and amble up Water Street. Of course I am always observed by the staff and one of them will just drop what they are doing and amble along behind me. I must admit though sometimes one of the Daddies has to signal the time for the return trip to the house. I seem to forget I have to walk the same distance to return to the beginning. Ah yes, life IS good!