A few days ago I meet a new friend. I think his name is Mo and his person is Don. Dog comes everyday now to make us a new dooryard with the paving tiles we had stacked in the back yard like some kind of war memorial. Since Mo is Don's "job dog" he goes to work everyday with his daddy and sits in the back of the truck or wanders about keeping tabs on the situation, like I do.
I think Mo looks like a small bear and he has intelligent loving eyes. Once in a while he comes up on "my" deck and watches the workers. Now, I was not thrilled about that and had to voice my objection quite loudly. Daddy Thom took me outside on my leash to meet Mo face to face thinking that would rectify the situation. I liked Mo and I think Mo liked me. We both are older dogs and probably have much in common - I know we both have a devoted and well trained staff as Don dotes on Mo. Mo and I did a little sensory greeting and things were cool, but then I guess I startled him by being too anxious; He snapped a little and growled at me. Naturally I growled back - had to get my two cents in and have the last word. We now have an understanding and cordially tolerate each other like proper

The influx of people has decreased now as the dooryard is complete except for the finishing touches which will be down by my staff. Brent still comes almost everyday - I like Brent. He works mostly in the house and treats me well. He lets me observe all the work as I keep tabs of the indoor improvements.
Besides - Brent is building me my own storage cabinet for my personal things. I say, "It's about time."