I am a 63 year old RN,C currently on hiatus from employment. I recently moved from Florida to a small island town in Eastern Maine. My pride and joy is my Dalmatian, Duncan, who has his own blog. He is the Prince of our house and all seems to revolve around him. My family is extended and far strewn about the country. Yet, we are close and keep in touch by phone, email, and our blogs.
In memory of our departed friend & Waterfront News assistant webmaster — Duncan— Please make a donation to your local Humane Society or animal rescue group.
The above was Duncan's obituary in The Waterfront News.
Good bye sweet boy. You have a piece of our hearts with you forever.
Duncan had a huge family who loved him. Sympathy cards came from all over the country. He had an obituary in The Waterfront News in Ft. Lauderdale Florida and one in the Quoddy Tides in Eastport, Maine. The little guy truly made a positive impression wherever he went. He will be missed by many.
A year ago today Our sweet Duncan passed away. He was a wonderful, loving and faithful friend, companion and family member and will never be forgotten. He went to sleep on April 1st 2009 and did not awaken again. Now he runs the heavenly fields of sun and flowers waiting for us to come home to him. Someday it will be a joyful reunion. He brought so much wonder and love into our lives.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
ANOTHER ROAD TRIP. We just returned from Portland. The last time I was in Portland I was in intensive care at the Doggie Hospital having a blood transfusion and I certainly have no pleasant memories of that. This time was different; it was a little holiday. I got to lounge around the room and eat goodies from room service. I made some new friends and got fussed over by other guest we met in the hallway. I also acquired a new member to my part-time staff. His name is Danny and he was my doggy sitter (although I prefer the term "companion") while my daddies kept an appointment. We had some wicked snow down there and city driving was slow and bumpy; but it is winter in Maine and that's what we get - SNOW!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
OPEN THE DOOR, IT'S COLD OUT HERE. Boy, that white stuff is everywhere. Yesterday I almost disappeared into it when I stepped out the front door. I decided the back deck is the best access at this time of year. But - the staff must be on the alert to open the door immediately when I have concluded my outing.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
WINTER RECREATION. Ah, yes - time for winter sports. Now, when I was a bit younger that meant a reckless romp in the fresh powdery snow or a long leisurely walk in the woods at Shackford head. I also thoroughly enjoyed facing the gale when I would go to the corner or the driveway during a Nor'easter, plant my feet firmly and lift my majestic head directly into the wind. It was delicious. The scents that came crashing in on me were momentarily overwhelming and I loved to feel the icy chill on my nose while my ear were waving in the gust like little black and white pennants. I still like kicking powdery snow and I can face a good gale now and again, but my new favorite winter activity is snoozing with Daddy David in the afternoon in the bright sunny bedroom. Yeah! Good times.
PATIENCE PAYS. I have learned to always be on the alert. I am especially attuned to kitchen clanging and food preparation sounds. I am able to hear the zip locked cheese container being open from the upstairs bedroom. A sound that particularly captures my interest is the noise of the ice cream maker. When the whirring begins I know I only have to be patience for 30 minutes and then a sorrowful pleading look with just the right amount of cuteness will get me a few licks on the ice c ream dasher before it goes into the dishwasher. It is not easy for a Dalmatian to have patience, but it usually always pays off.