Mini-holidays, vacations and road trips are nothing new to me being the seasoned traveler that I am. I love hotels and I adore room service. Our recent trip to Bangor required my Daddies both to be absent for a few hours tending to business where I was not welcome (can you imagine royalty being excluded?) This required a temporary addition to my staff which was promptly resolved.
I met and became good friends with my companion and doggie-sitter, Auntie Deb.
Auntie Deb sat on the bed and on the floor with me and gave me her undivided attention for the whole two hours my Daddies were occupied elsewhere. Daddy Thom, who is usually quite reliable, forgot to pack my toys. Auntie Deb to the rescue; she brought me some squeaky mittens which I love and cart about everywhere. I even tried to pull them out of my traveling bag to show Kim, the hotel manager, while we were checking out. Oh - the good life!
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